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7 easy tips to show yourself slim

Many people are in a lot of trouble with weight problems. Those who have more weight, they are confused about what they will wear, how to handle everything. Many people do not even understand how to wear clothes. Those who are suffering from weight problems can show themselves only through a little gaming.

Let's know about some easy ways to slim yourself.

1. Avoid the clothes of those who are somewhat fat, they are light color. Choose the darkest shade of any color in the selection of clothing. The body looks somewhat slim in black, navy blue, bottle green, black pepper, etc.

2. Those who suffer from weight problems, avoid very tight clothing. Keep an eye on clothing selection so that it is not too dense or tight. Also try to avoid too much big throat and hand-cut garments.

3. To make a face slightly pressed in the makeup, apply a shade of dark pancakes to the sides of the cheek by two sides of the cheek. Then apply blouse on top with skin color of face powder. Then the two sides of the face and the double china will be less understood.

4. Those who have more fat on their face will not bend their hair. Keep hair straight, or keep it lightly.

5. Those who wear sunglasses or glasses, choose large size frames. Selecting smaller frames will make the face shape look bigger.

6. Do not wear a necklace cloth with neck to wear a necklace. Choose a little hanging kind of wreath for yourself.

7. Those whose bodies are fat, they will not wear too much thin. Seeing too much silicone heels can look insufficient and damage to health.

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